Tutorial 73! L’Air Mignonne.
A Quebecois tune for ye’s! I love this one. Funny enough, I first heard this Canadian tune from my IMAR pals in the UK (that’s just the way it goes sometimes). If you haven’t heard their version, please go and listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFalXoDhurA It’s a tune for all levels (especially because it was written slow, like…
Read MoreTutorial 49! Bagpipers
G’day everyone! As I’m writing this I’m somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean – we had a great tour! We were back to Scotland for a bit but also made our way down to England for a stretch. So many great shows, we’re lucky! Insert the English tune! There was an Open Jam a few months…
Read MoreTutorial 48! Ray’s Classic
Hallo from the Shetland Islands! Has anyone heard this tune before? I heard it in the same jam I posted about last month (a little fella was rippin it on his wee accordion) and it totally intrigued me. What a happy, unique and interesting piece of music… Written by Shetland’s, Willie Hunter (he also wrote…
Read MoreTutorial 3! No Bridge Too Far
Hallo Tune Room friends! This vid is a little earlier than the two week mark, clearly have a wee bit more time on my hands these days (don’t we all ;))! This is a polka The East Pointers wrote, called “No Bridge Too Far” from our album “What We Leave Behind”. Let me know how…
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