Christmas Fiddle Tune Tutorial! Silver Bells.

Welcome to December and the world of Christmas carols, friends! It’s hard to beat the simplicity and beauty of “Silver Bells” 🙂 I took this tutorial quite slow for beginner players but also explored some more advanced embellishments for those further along. It’s actually perfect if you’re thinking about cracking out your fiddle for the…

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Tutorial 89! Out On The Ocean.

Hey guys! I’ve always loved this old Irish tune, and I’m sure a lot of you may already know it! It’s definitely a popular one (if you YouTube it, there are MANY versions). There are also many different ways to play it (that’s what happens when a tune is so old, and popular), so don’t…

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Tutorial 84! In Memory Of Herbie MacLeod (FREE)

Jerry Holland knew how to write ear-worms that you didn’t mind floating around in your head all day! This waltz is absolutely beautiful, and I think it should be played more (I think you’ll agree when you hear it). I start the tutorial off for beginner players, and then we move into an intermediate lesson…

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Christmas Fiddle Tune Tutorial! Silent Night.

Silent Night is fairly easy to tackle on the fiddle for a beginner player (we’re in the people’s key of G), but if you’d like to make a wee performance out of er, you may want some drones, double stops, hammer-ons, grace notes, slurs, etc. Soooo, in this month’s tutorial, we start with the basics…

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Tutorial 81! Memories Of Herbie & Agnes Cheverie.

I remember hearing this for the first time in my Dad’s living room after he wrote it and I knew it was a special tune, because it gave me goosebumps! I also know how much Herbie and Agnes meant to Dad, so it makes the tune even more special (straight from the heart). This is…

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Tutorial 79! Put Me In The Big Chest.

After hearing this tune several times at the 47th Annual Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival this past weekend, I decided to turn er into a tutorial! It’s such a great beginner reel (that all levels can play), that is happy and full of energy 🙂 It’s actually one of the first reels I’ve ever learned and…

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Tutorial 73! L’Air Mignonne.

A Quebecois tune for ye’s! I love this one. Funny enough, I first heard this Canadian tune from my IMAR pals in the UK (that’s just the way it goes sometimes). If you haven’t heard their version, please go and listen: It’s a tune for all levels (especially because it was written slow, like…

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Tutorial 70! Hector The Hero

Friday Slow Jam 🎶 I’m sure many of you know this tune already (or have at least heard it), but it’s a classic Scottish tune (can be played as a waltz or slow air) played all over the world, written by James Scott Skinner (a legend; this cat wrote A LOT of tunes). This tutorial…

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Tutorial 66! Fox Chaisson’s Jig

A beginner tutorial for ye’s (a tune for all levels :)), called Fox Chaisson’s Jig (written for my son, by my Dad). I take this one nice and slow, just a few embellishments! Refer to the Practice Tracks, My Tutorial Notes and Sheet Music + Chords to help you along 🙂 I recorded this tune on…

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Tutorial 60! My Cape Breton Home

Another Jerry Holland classic for ye’s! I’m sure most of you know this tune already, but if you don’t, it’s a staple in the fiddle scene (all over the world). If you’re just starting off with fiddle, it’s a great waltz (although some play it as a slow air) to work your chops at a…

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